Respecting the environment in which we live is of utmost importance to our future
Industrial insulation is such a Best Available Technique. It can help European industry to reduce its total fuel consumption by 620 PJ and emissions by 49 million tonnes of CO2. The report analyses that the saving potential exists across all regions, sectors, equipment and operating temperatures. A report on 19th June entitled “Climate protection with rapid payback”, published by Ecofys and the European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF), identifies a large energy and CO2 savings potential from industrial insulation.In addition the report demonstrates that this savings potential is currently untapped despite being cost-effective to implement. In fact, European industry is losing energy and money every day, emitting tonnes of avoidable CO2 emissions. “With just better maintenance and consistent insulating of industrial applications, about two thirds of the energy and emission saving potential could be tapped,” says Kornelis Blok, director of Science at Ecofys. “And since insulation investments will usually be paid back in less than one year, this is a great business opportunity.”
This total annual energy savings potential of 620 PJ is equivalent to the energy consumption of 10 million households;
The annual CO2 reductions potential of 49 Mt is equivalent to the CO2 emissions of 18 million cars.
It is practically definite that the European directive aims at reducing energy consumption by 20% by the year 2020; this goal can be reached also through better maintenance and optimum insulation of plant systems. Among other things, investments on thermal insulation are generally recuperated in less than a year. Within the context of the European Union this would represent 3.5 billion euro savings a year to industry.
An accurate assessment is required of the area to be insulated in relation to the type and working characteristics of the plant. Temperatures of some equipment can reach up to 800 degrees Celcius, therefore insulation must have suitable thermal and mechanical properties which maintain the necessary requirements for even water resistance and resistance to corrosion.
Plants must also have the necessary qualities to support jumps in temperatures as well as those caused by seasonal climactic changes. Good thermal insulation in a company means reduced quantities of combustibles to burn, decreased atmospheric pollution and greater energy savings as a result during production cycles. Energy savings translate into a reduction of toxic substance emissions into the workplace thereby promoting a healthier quality of life for all of us; in recognition of this we are proud to contribute to sustaining the environment that surrounds us for ourselves and our children.